
European Championships for Show and Precision 2020


Mentre è in corso la pausa invernale in cui gli atleti ricaricano le pile e mettono a punto i dischi con cui intendono sorprenderci nel 2020, sono state diramate le informazioni sul primo appuntamento internazionale della stagione, lo European Championships for Show and Precision 2020 che si svolgerà dal 30 Aprile al 2 Maggio ad Almere, in Olanda.

Sarà, quindi, il Topsportcentrum Almere di Almere, pista con pavimento in legno, di dimensioni 45 x 25, il teatro in cui il gota dei gruppi Show and Precision europei si darà battaglia per conquistare gli ambiti titoli continetali in palio.

Nell’attesa che si alzi il sipario, e di assistere alle performance dei nostri beniamini, riportiamo di seguito il programma provvisorio della manifestazione:

WEDNESDAY 29 / 04 / 2020

WSE Artistic Skating Committee, Judges, Specialist & Data Operator/

Calculators arrival

THURSDAY 30 / 04 / 2020

09.00 - 12.00 Hotel: Judges Show & Precision meeting

12.00 - 13.00 Hotel: Technical Panel Precision meeting

13.00 - 24.00 hrs Training will be in the following order for:

- Cadet Quartet,

- Junior Groups,

- Junior Precision,

- Small Groups.

IMPORTANT: All Teams of ALL categories (except Junior Precision) of Netherlands, organizing country, will start first in the morning.

15.45, 20.40 & 24.00 Cleaning of the rink

16.30 - 19.30 hrs Registration (Passport-ID Card control) & Payments of ALL Clubs (draw

(complete!) of all skaters documents (passport or ID card where is possible see the citizen) to leave to the Committee.

We remember that ALL skater MUST have the citizen of the country they compete.

20.00 hrs Draw electronic made by Calculators (Important!!! – Allowed to assist for each Nation )

FRIDAY 01/ 05 / 2020

08.30 - 13.30 hrs Training for Junior Quartet categories & Senior Precision.

10.25 - 13.30 Cleaning of the rink.

14.15 - 15.50 Competition: Cadet Quartet. (expected 12) 1h15+20xclean

16.00 - 17.55 Competition: Junior Groups. (expected 13) 1h35+20xclean

18.00 - 19.00 hrs Opening Ceremony.

19.00 Cleaning of the rink.

19.15 - 20.15 Competition: Junior Precision. (expected 7) 0h50’+10xclean

20.15 Cleaning of the rink.

20.30 - 22.30 hrs Competition: Small Groups. (expected 12) 1h40+20xclean

Followed by Podium: Cadet Quartet, Junior Groups, Junior Precision and

Small Groups.

SATURDAY 02 / 05 / 2020

08.00 - 13.10 hrs Training will be in the following order for Senior Quartet & Large

Groups categories.

10.50 & 13.10 Cleaning of the rink.

10.00 - 11.30 hrs Delegate’s & Trainers Meeting – Allowed MAX four (4) persons for

each Nation. Place will be announced days before.

13.30 Competition: Junior Quartet. (expected 9) 0h55’ +10xclean

14.35 Cleaning of the rink.

14.50 Competition: Senior Quartet. (expected 16) 1h40+20xclean

16.50 Cleaning of the rink.

17.10 Competition: Senior Precision. (expected 6) 0h50

18.00 Cleaning of the rink.

18.20 Competition: Large Groups. (expected 11) 1h30+20xclean

Followed by (near 20.10) Podiums: Junior Quartet, Senior Quartet, Senior Precision &

Large Groups.

Followed Closing Ceremony.

N.B. In each category of Groups/Precision after 4-6 Groups/Precision and in Quartet

after 6-8 Quartet, we will have a quick cleaning of the rink.


Per scaricare il programma provvisorio della manifestazione clicca qui.

Per scaricare il Bulletin n°1 EC Show & Precision 2020 clicca qui.